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Disaffection and Abandonment: The European Far-Right Drift

Disaffection and Abandonment: The European Far-Right Drift

Disaffection and Abandonment: The European Far-Right Drift Foreign Policy Brief #175 | By: Damian DeSola | January 24, 2025 Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash __________________________________ The far-right in Europe is rising once again. Following a trend that has...

Developments in Syria: A Window of Opportunity

Developments in Syria: A Window of Opportunity

Developments in Syria: A Window of Opportunity Foreign Policy Brief #173 | By: Damian DeSola | January 10, 2025 Photo by Ivan Hassib __________________________________ The Assad regime has fallen. After over fifty years of a totalitarian hereditary dictatorship, the...

The Sidelined War: Myanmar’s Fight for Freedom

The Sidelined War: Myanmar’s Fight for Freedom

The Sidelined War: Myanmar’s Fight for Freedom Foreign Policy Brief #171 | By: Damian DeSola | December 8, 2024 Photo by Pyae Sone Htun on Unsplash __________________________________ On February 1, 2021, Myanmar’s military, the Tatmadaw, forcefully overthrew the...

Losing the Other Georgia: Democracy is on Defense

Losing the Other Georgia: Democracy is on Defense

Foreign Policy #167: Losing the Other Georgia – Democracy is on Defense
The recent parliamentary election in Georgia has sparked international outcry, with allegations of voter intimidation, ballot stuffing, and violent activity undermining the legitimacy of the results. Western nations, including the U.S. and EU, have rejected the outcome, calling it a significant blow to democratic values. Meanwhile, pro-Russian policies by the ruling Georgian Dream party signal a potential shift toward authoritarianism, threatening Georgia’s path to EU membership and further consolidating Russian influence in the region.

Harris and Trump Will Treat Our European Allies Differently

Harris and Trump Will Treat Our European Allies Differently

The United States finds itself in a tumultuous time. Both at home and abroad, our country’s staying power is being tested. As we prepare for an election that is days away, the world is watching as we choose one of two very different views of foreign affairs to lead us through the next four years.

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