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The Swing States Series: #3 Arizona

The Swing States Series: #3 Arizona

Arizona, once a reliable red state, is now at the heart of the nation’s most crucial political battlegrounds, where shifting demographics and deep-seated issues like immigration, gun ownership, and climate change are reshaping its identity. As both parties vie for control, the state’s diverse electorate holds the power to sway the 2024 presidential election in a profound way.

The Swing States Series: #2 Michigan

The Swing States Series: #2 Michigan

Brief #132 – Elections & Politics Policy Brief
by: Abigail Hunt

Michigan, a pivotal swing state, boasts the highest youth voter turnout in the nation and a thriving manufacturing sector crucial to its economy. As the state gears up for the upcoming election, its diverse demographic and rich history make it a battleground to watch.

The Swing States Series: #1 Pennsylvania 

The Swing States Series: #1 Pennsylvania 

Brief #130 – Elections & Politics Policy Brief
by: Abigail Hunt

Pennsylvania, a pivotal swing state in the 2024 presidential election, has a rich history and a diverse electorate that could tip the balance for either Biden or Trump. Key issues influencing voters include urban versus rural concerns, gender voting trends, and significant youth turnout, making Pennsylvania a critical battleground once again.

The Ukraine Crisis: Situation Update #17

The Ukraine Crisis: Situation Update #17

Brief #159 – Foreign Policy
By Ibrahim Sultan

The US military has announced that it would be expanding its training of Ukrainian military personnel in Germany. Pentagon spokesman Brigadier General Patrick Ryder said the new training would include approximately 500 Ukrainians per month and would not require any increase in US troop deployments to Europe. Additionally, this week the US also announced it would send the Patriot air defence system to Ukraine, something Ukrainian President Zelensky has sought out for some time.

Martial Law Is Not in the Cards

Martial Law Is Not in the Cards

Brief #13—Election News
By Zach Huffman
After weeks of refusing to accept the results of last November’s election, President Donald Trump has reportedly discussed the possibility of declaring martial law as the latest in a series of attempts to retain power despite losing the election to President-elect Joe Biden.

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