

The Economic and Trade Policy Domain tracks and reports on policies that deal with budget, taxation, and finance issues. The domain tracks policies emanating from the White House, Congress, the Department of Commerce and the Department of Treasury.

Latest Economic and Trade Policy Posts

The GOP’s Alarming Opposition to Raising the Debt Ceiling

Brief #52 – Economic Policy
By Caroline Howard

The United States is currently heading toward the path of a debt default, for the first time in the nation’s history. This could have catastrophic effects not only on the American economy but on the entire world economic order. The country already went past its debt ceiling in January, going over the 31.4 trillion dollar limit it set for itself in December 2021.

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America’s Minimum Wage Debate: Is It Time for an Increase?

Brief #134 – Economic Policy
By Inijah Quadri

The current federal minimum wage in the United States is $7.25 an hour. Despite being below the poverty line for a country like the USA, the minimum wage has not seen any increase since 2009.

There has been some level of advocacy at the federal level, such as we had with President Obama in 2015, but nothing really was done to raise wages, even after his rallying cry. This has led to even more advocacy for an increase in the federal minimum wage, as increases regularly happen at the state level without any issues.

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FTC initiates Crackdown on Deceptive Earnings Claims

Brief #137 – Economic Policy
By Stephen Thomas

There is an adage which, simply put, means that if a deal appears too good to be true, then it probably is. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has seen so many consumers misled by so-called deceptive earnings claims that the agency is developing a regulation to crackdown on the practice. The solution is composed of two phases.

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Eye on the Fed

Brief #134 – Economic Policy
By Greg Ziegler

The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) concluded the first of its eight scheduled meetings for 2022 on Wednesday, January 26th. The Committee is comprised of twelve members and is responsible for overseeing the nation’s monetary policy to promote the nation’s economic goals.

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