The Sidelined War: Myanmar’s Fight for Freedom Foreign Policy Brief #171 | By: Damian DeSola | December 8, 2024 Photo by Pyae Sone Htun on Unsplash __________________________________ On February 1, 2021, Myanmar’s military, the Tatmadaw, forcefully overthrew the...
Swing-State Races
Brief #9—Congressional Campaign Update
By William Bourque
As we continue to look back at key races in swing states we return to Florida, where we initially looked at a potential upset race in district 16.
U.S. RESIST NEWS VOTER CHECKLIST: NOVEMBER 3, 2020 ELECTION U.S. RESIST NEWS has published this checklist as a guide to help ensure that all Click here to download your own Voter Checklist Voters cast their 2020 election ballots in a safe and timely manner. It is the...
Congressional Campaign Update #9
Brief #9— Congressional News Update
By William Bourque
Earlier this year we identified several senate races that are key to the democrats retaking a majority. Now, only two months from elections, we are taking a chance to revisit these races to see where ground has been won and lost.
Major Hotel Chains to House Detained Migrants Amidst Pandemic
Brief #103—Immigration
By Kathryn Baron
In July, there were 40,476 detentions at the US Southern Border, a 24% increase from June and more than 50% from April.
Latine Life, An Often Overlooked but Important Minority
Brief #81—Economics
By Rosalind Gottfried
The LatinX population will comprise the largest group of nonwhite, non Hispanic voters in the 2020 election at 13% of eligible voters, up from 9% in 2008. Thirty two million LatinX voted in the 2018 election.
A Look At Tight House Races in Georgia’s 6th and Pennsylvania’s 10th Districts
Brief #5—Congressional Campaign Update
By William Bourque
In American elections, the swing state reigns supreme. Now, more than ever, voters in swing states decide the course of American democracy more than any other. Here at U.S. Resist News, we have been looking at some of the closest house races across the nation.
Revival of Federal Consent Decrees Needed Now To Confront Police Misconduct
Brief #125—Civil Rights
By Rod Maggay
On November 7, 2018 then U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued the memorandum titled “Principles and Procedures for Civil Consent Decrees and Settlement Agreements with State and Local Government Entities” to the Department of Justice (DOJ).
Trump’s New Moves to Contain China: End Hong Kong’s Privileged Treatment and Withdraw from the World Health Organization
Brief #84—Foreign Policy
By Brandon Mooney
In another blow to U.S.-Chinese relations, Trump has recently announced he will begin the process of ending Hong Kong’s privileged economic treatment due to a newly introduced security law pressured by mainland China.
The Future of Retail is Up for Grabs as a Result of Covid-19
Brief #74—Economics
By Rosalind Gottfried
The April reports show a 16.4% drop in retail sales, lower than the predicted rate of 12.3% for the month of April. This rate is nearly double the March rate of 8.3%.
States Weigh Mail-in Ballot Options; Trump’s Poll Numbers Slip
Brief #2—U.S. Resist Presidential Campaign News Update
By Iryna Shkurhan
Voters today are stuck between exercising their constitutional right or protecting their health as states rush to implement mail voting systems. A partisan divide on expanding voting access for the remaining primaries serves as a glimpse for what to expect when the general election rolls around in November. Until then, court rulings and legislative changes are to be expected as the current public health crisis continues to expose partisan clashes over conducting elections.
Brief #1—Campaign News Update
By Iryna Shkurhan
The 2020 U.S presidential election, upended by a global pandemic amidst the primaries, will carry on with some necessary changes to protect public health. The general election is still set to take place on November 3, 2020 and only congress has the power to reschedule the date through legislation.