What Should the Democrats Do?

JUNE OP ED | By: Ron Israel & the U.S. Resist News Staff | July 2024
Featured Photo: axios.com


Although some Democrats would like someone else to be their candidate it does not look like Joe Biden wants to step aside. Maybe this is foolish narcissism on his part, but also maybe he has a good case to make for himself. This is what that case looks like.

He has a lifetime of experience in doing this stuff, having worked the front office desks and back alleys of US politics for years.

He delivered more good public policy and programs during his first term than almost any other President in our history. The Pandemic came to an end, millions of new jobs have been created, inflation itself has been greatly reduced, huge public and private investments are being made in clean energy, US semi-conductor industry has been boosted, our alliances with other countries, especially in Europe, have been greatly strengthened, Russia has been stymied in its efforts to conquer Ukraine, China’s expansionist efforts have been largely contained, student debt has been reduced, the price of insulin has been capped, among other things.

Implementing an alternative national primary would stand a good chance of being highly chaotic. There is little time in which to do this and no other candidate comes close to Biden in terms of experience and accomplishments.

Kamala Harris is the only person who conceivably could step in and replace Biden at the top of the ticket, but she is not going to do that unless Biden steps aside. However if Biden wins a 2nd term it is comforting to know that Kamala as VP could take over should something happen to him.

Biden already has the committed delegates he needs to win the Democratic nomination. He also has the support of influential stakeholder groups like labor unions, the Black and Hispanic caucuses, and many state Governors and mayors.

It does not appear that Biden wants to leave, believing that he can make up the current gap between him and Trump before the election. The sooner the Democratic party can accept this and unify behind Biden, the better their chances of winning the election are. Prolonging the Biden/no-Biden debate only plays into the hands of Trump.

This is even more true after the recent attempted assassination attempt on Trump; this incident, among other things reinforces the need for stability in our political system and the upcoming election. To attempt to implement an alternative primary system, as a few Democrats are proposing, would breathe more chaos into an already chaotic situation.

He probably would not like us saying this but Joe Biden has a little bit of Donald Trump stubbornness in him. In addition he has age-old wisdom and experience, an ability to design and implement effective public policy, and a sincere love for his country and its people. He does stutter, occasionally mixes up words, and has an elderly person’s stiff gait. However these afflictions of age don’t come close to outweighing the attributes he brings to this very important election.

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