Op Ed | By: U.S. Resist News | June 2023
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This is the first in a series of U.S. RESIST NEWS recommendations of platform positions for use by 2024 Democratic Party candidates.

Democrats should counter Republican curriculum interference and book banning and strike a positive tone about the needs for all children in the United States to have access to a quality education. The Democratic platform should identify the goals such as quality education and the means of achieving those goals.


To enable students to access a quality education that prepares them for work, family life, and citizenship in a democratic society. Such an education should include having the ability to read and write, do basic mathematics;   learn how to problem-solve and make up your own mind on important issues; understand the scientific method and how science works;  understand your roles as a citizen in a democracy and how your government works;  master digital literacy skills that enable students to smartly navigate the Internet and social media; have an appreciation for the arts; have the skills and knowledge needed to enter the job market; be physically fit and have balanced nutrition.

Means of Achieving Goals

In order to achieve these goals students should have access the following:

  • A universal pre-Kindergarten instructional program
  • Quality learning materials and school facilities
  • Well paid and well trained teachers
  • Classrooms that reflect the diversity of people in their community, including those who are disabled
  • Instruction that stimulates discussion and debate and respect for  different people, ideas and points of view; that does not promote one religion but supports respect for different religious points of views
  • A special instructional program for those who are physically or mentally disabled

There should be an effort to provide all schools in each district with the same facility infrastructure, and level out the distribution of school finances. Alternatives to basing school funding solely on the property tax should be explored.

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